Surprise Trade Request: Montreal Canadiens Arber Xhekaj to the Toronto Maple Leafs? Leafs Fans push for that trade, But It's Unlikely to Happen

Dawson Mckenzie
December 6, 2023  (4:39 PM)

Things aren't going well for Arber Xhekaj in Montreal, as he was recently demoted to the AHL. With the Leafs in need of a defenseman, could a trade work to get him to Toronto?

Xhekaj Sent to Minors and Leaf Fans Are Salivating for a Trade

Arber Xhekaj is undoubtedly going to be a great defenseman in the NHL once he is fully developed. However, the Montreal Canadiens have just decided to send him to the AHL, in order to continue his development. With the Toronto Maple Leafs in dire need of a tough defenseman, Leaf fans immediately pounced on the potential for Toronto to acquire him.
True, though I think Xhekaj is significantly more valuable than Anderson, even at his peak. Imagine what a team like Toronto under Treliving would pay for Xhekaj after how soft the Leafs look every year in the playoffs.

Yeah, he's not a fantastically skilled player but I wouldn't hate have this beast in Blue & White 🤷🏻‍♂️

I would love for Xhekaj to be a Leaf but I don't trust Keefe to use him properly at all. He'd tell him to not fight and do the things that make him appealing and then he'd get the 2019 Justin Holl treatment

There's no question as to why Leaf fans are salivating at the thought of Xhekaj being a Leaf. He possesses everything that Leaf fans so desperately want - toughness, willingness to stand up for everyone, and an ability to play meaningful minutes on the blue line.
With the Leafs in desperate need of another defenseman, would the Canadiens be willing to make it happen?

Canadiens Unlikely to Part Ways With Prized Defensive Prospect

It's highly unlikely that the Canadiens would be willing to part ways with Xhekaj, given he is their best defensive prospect on a team that is looking to rebuild for the long run. They will need a steady blueliner to lead the charge, and it is looking like this will be Xhekaj's job.
As for his demotion to the minors, Head Coach Martin St. Louis said this was just part of the normal development process of making it to the NHL.
#Habs Martin St-Louis on what Arber Xhekaj needs to focus on while down in Laval: "just be a pro, just work. You guys are making a bigger deal out of this; he's a young player, it's part of his process to reach the highest ceiling he's going to reach as a professional athlete."

As seen on Habs Fanatics - "Wow: A trade of Arber Xhekaj to the Toronto Maple Leafs has indeed been requested by their fans, but forget about it"
Surprise Trade Request: Montreal Canadiens Arber Xhekaj to the Toronto Maple Leafs? Leafs Fans push for that trade, But It's Unlikely to Happen

Do you think the Canadiens will part ways with Xhekaj?

Yes17339.2 %
No26860.8 %
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