Elliotte Friedman discusses a jaw-dropping blockbuster trade that never occured

Pat Quinn
January 15, 2024  (10:10)

Cutter Gauthier at the World Junior Championship
Photo credit: Photo by Rena Laverty

The day Cutter Gauther was traded from the Philadelphia Flyers to the Anaheim Ducks for Jamie Drysdale and a second round selection, sent shock waves through the hockey world.

The Flyers had been working on a Gauthier trade for a year or perhaps longer.
There were rumours of the Flyers calling a few teams at the 2023 NHL draft to try and swap picks around where Gauthier was selected, which was fifth overall in 2022. A rumour had them calling Montreal for the fifth overall selection for Gauthier one-for-one.
According to Elliotte Friedman, on the 32 Thoughts Podcast, the Flyers called the Avalanche and wanted to discuss Gauthier for Bowen Byram one-for-one.
"I think Philly did ask about Bowen Byram, and I just think Colorado wasn't going there I suspect Colorado's answer was we are not doing this 1-for-1, it's got to be more than Gauthier for Byram"

It is surprising that the Ducks added more in the deal, so good on the Avalanche for holding out for fair value. The only issue with Byram is his injury history, but it is clear the Avalanche still have faith in the player.

Drysdale is still a good get for the Flyers

It appeared the Flyers had a few irons in the fire and ended up accepting the Anaheim offer, referenced above, as it really was a tremendous deal for them.
Coach John Tortorella had a few words of praise for Drysdale after the trade:
«I'm not going to jump up and down, but I am excited that we have a 21 year old right-handed defenseman that can skate like that.»

"He's a candidate to be a rover. Not just a defenseman, a rover."

Drysdale has two assists and three shots in two games so far for the Flyers. One of those points was a power play one and he is also plus one, which will make Torts happy.
As Read On Puck Reporter - REPORT: Major Blockbuster Trade Leaked By Insider Involving Two Rising Stars
15 JANVIER   |   1154 ANSWERS
Elliotte Friedman discusses a jaw-dropping blockbuster trade that never occured

Who would you rather have on your NHL team?

Drysdale56348.8 %
Byram26422.9 %
Gauthier32728.3 %
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