Rick Tocchet reveals what J.T. Miller texted him after game 4 loss

Julien Trekker
May 16, 2024  (12:01)

Rick Tocchet, head coach of the Vancouver Canucks.
Photo credit: Screenshot

The Vancouver Canucks head coach Rick Tocchet revealed what his player J.T. Millers texted him after the tough loss in game four against the Edmonton Oilers from a few days ago.

With the Battle for Canada series currently tied 2-2, no one could guess which team will make their way to the next round. However, if the Canucks play like they did in game four, the Oilers shouldn't have too much trouble to win.
Rick Tocchet, the Canucks head coach, said in a press conference that everyone on the team must contribute; you can't have five or six guys taking a night off:
"There's times there we have some guys, you know where the puck's gonna go, you just gotta get there before the other guy, and I think we're pausing. Some guys are playing pause hockey. And you can't win if you have five or six passengers."

I mean it's the Stanley Cup Playoffs, with some guys I don't know if they thought it was the playoffs. We can't play with 12 guys."

A few players in Vancouver could indentify with those words, but one of them is clearly J.T. Miller.
Miller, who's coming out of a career-high 103 points tally in the season, has played well in the playoffs, until last game. He scored 11 points in 10 games since the playoffs started, but couldn't score in game four, and his team ended up losing.
Even if he wasn't the only player who performed underwhelmingly that night, he took responsability and sent a text message to Tocchet to apologize:
"It's an honest group. I mean, J.T. Miller texted me today, ‘sorry, I had a bad (game).'

"This guy's been unreal for me. One play, two plays doesn't define (it). Who cares about that? That games over. He's been a monster force, he'll be a monster for us. That's the way we work around here."

In order for the Canucks to stay alive and hope to reach the next round, they'll need every members of the team to be on board. A veteran such as Miller should understand that, meaning that we should see him bounce back in game five, set to go down on Thursday night.
Source: Hockey Feed - Miller sent surprising text to Rick Tocchet after Game 4
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Rick Tocchet reveals what J.T. Miller texted him after game 4 loss

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