As it turns out, these weren't the only funny antics Kucherov pulled Wednesday night. According to Igor Larionov's son, who shares the same name as his father, Kucherov Facetimed the legendary Russian hockey player last night, repeating «you're my idol, thank you.» Larionov's son said it was the coolest thing that he had ever witnessed, and also shared that Kucherov said he always watches highlights of Larionov.
Given the state Kucherov appeared to be in during last nights media session, you can only imagine how funny this Facetime call must have been. Ironically enough, Kucherov himself is in the process of becoming an icon for many young Russian hockey players. Despite missing the entire regular season, the 28-year-old showed zero signs of rust in the postseason, registering 32 points in 23 games en route to both his and his team's second Stanley Cup in as many years.