NHL Insider Drops Bombshell: Will Matt Rempe's Clash with Ilya Lyubushkin Lead to Suspension?

Dawson Mckenzie
March 4, 2024  (10:13)

Chris Johnston, NHL insider for Sportsnet, doing an interview before a game.
Photo credit: Sportsnet

This NHL insider has just taken to his podcast to discuss why he believes Matt Rempe will not be suspended for the hit he delivered on Ilya Lyubushkin on Saturday.

Chris Johnston Reveals He Believes NHL Will Not Punish Rempe For Hit

NHL insider Chris Johnston took to his podcast today to explain why he believes that the NHL is not going to act on Matt Rempe's hit to Ilya Lyubushkin during Saturday night's game. While there have been calls for Rempe's suspension on social media, even Sheldon Keefe said he didn't like the hit after the game.
Johnston, however, notes that if there were to be supplemental punishment incoming, that we would have likely heard by now.
I don't get the impression that there is going to be any on there. I mean usually you would have heard by yesterday if that was the case. Clearly the Leafs were unhappy about it in the game and you heard Sheldon Keefe mention after the game that he didn't like it, but I don't think we're going to see a suspension.

I almost want to take myself out of the what's suspendable and what's not. I'm going to be honest I don't fully get it at times now. It's a hard thing on the outside to know what they're going to decide. Had there been a suspension for that hit? I don't think there'd have been a ton of outrage. But that's just kind of where we're at right now.

Paul Bissonnette Also Doesn't Think the Rempe Hit Was Suspension Worthy

Paul Bissonnette also shared his opinion on social media regarding the hit, stating that he doesn't think it was worthy of a suspension either. He also notes that Rempe's ability to toe the line makes him a valuable player, especially come playoff time.
Not a suspension. He's the closest forechecker to him and he just puts on the burners. Rempe could turn a playoff series around with a few of these types of hits. He's a mutant. Valuable if he keeps toeing the line the way he has.

With Lyubushkin being injured on the play, it obviously left Leaf fans upset over the lack of seemingly consistent punishment in the NHL.
As seen on Blade of Steel - "NHL insider reveals if Matt Rempe will be suspended for hit on Ilya Lyubushkin"
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NHL Insider Drops Bombshell: Will Matt Rempe's Clash with Ilya Lyubushkin Lead to Suspension?

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