Maple Leafs chant erupts at Bruins vs. Lightning game

Tyler Ball
March 28, 2024  (5:47 PM)

Boston Bruins goaltender Linus Ullmark playing a puck with Tampa Bay Lightning forward Tanner Jeannot forechecking in a game on March 27th, 2024 in Tampa Bay.
Photo credit: Mark LoMoglio

The Toronto Maple Leafs are one of the most polarizing teams in the NHL. The team is loved by many but also hated by many. Recently some of that hate for the Leafs was amplified by an in-game chant.

The Boston Bruins and Tampa Bay Lightning have been bitter rivals of the Toronto Maple Leafs for many years now. This rivalry has been brought to the forefront with all three teams being powerhouses in the Eastern Conference.
Last night during a Bruins and Lightning game in Tampa Bay an anti Maple Leafs chant broke out.
A ‘Maple Leafs suck' chant broke out at the Lightning-Bruins game last night.

The Leafs remain the center of the hockey world even when they aren't playing

Love the «Maple Leafs suck» chant breaking out at the Lightning-Bruins game

The Maple Leafs are beloved in the city of Toronto but oftentimes vilified throughout the rest of the league. Fans of the Maple Leafs are also often brought down and hated by other fan bases as well. Last night was just another example of this on a wild scale.

Toronto Maple Leafs on a collision course with Eastern Conference rivals

With the NHL season winding down the playoff matchups are starting to slowly become more clear. Depending on how the season ends the Maple Leafs could match up with the Boston Bruins in the first round. If not they are virtually guaranteed to meet up with one of the two in the second round if they make it.
If the Toronto Maple Leafs end up matching up against the Boston Bruins tempers will be at an all-time high. This comes after earlier this season Bruins captain Brad Marchand got into a verbal and physical back-and-forth with several Maple Leafs players.
The Maple Leafs added several players this summer specifically to deal with players like Brad Marchand in the playoffs. While the Maple Leafs have dealt with a lot this season they seem to be heading into the playoffs mostly healthy after the return of several players including Tyler Bertuzzi.
As the playoffs begin it will be exciting to see which rivalries we are gifted during the pursuit of the Stanley Cup.
Source: Hockey Feed - Anti-Leafs chant breaks out at Bruins-Lightning game
28 MARS   |   589 ANSWERS
Maple Leafs chant erupts at Bruins vs. Lightning game

Will the Toronto Maple Leafs play the Boston Bruins or the Tampa Bay Lightning in the Stanley Cup Playoffs?

Yes48682.5 %
No10317.5 %
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