She is the only player in Olympic history to score in four gold medal games. A men's professional team has offered her a contract because she's virtually won everything in women's hockey. Marc-Andre Bergeron, general manager of the Lions de Trois-Rivières, confirmed the offer to join Poulin's ECHL squad. This is his statement in English:
«She's the best in her sport. She's won everything she could win in women's hockey. She's at the top of her game. I think everyone is wondering how far she could go in the men's game. If she shows interest, we'll do it right. We'll allow her to practice, to feel comfortable before being sending her on the ice. We've always said we're here to give opportunities «
Poulin has previously participated in men's hockey, having been invited to the Victoriaville Tigres' training camp in the QMJHL. She preferred to study at Boston University and pursue her career in America.