NHL Makes Official Decision On Suspension For Questionable Hit On Ilya Lyubushkin

Tyler Ball
March 3, 2024  (5:29 PM)

New York Rangers forward Matt Rempe hitting Maple Leafs defenseman Ilya Lyubushkin into the boards and injuring him.
Photo credit: Hockey Patrol

The NHL and the Department of Player Safety had an important decision to make regarding a hit laid down on Ilya Lyubushkin yesterday. As of now, it seems the NHL has made their decision on how to proceed with potential punishment.

Lyubushkin Injured On Questionable Hit From Rempe

Last night during the Toronto Maple Leafs victory against the New York Rangers controversy broke out. Midway through the game Maple Leafs defenseman Ilya Lyubushkin was heading into the corner to play a puck. As he played the puck he was met with a thunderous hit by Rangers enforcer Matt Rempe.
The hit would cause Ilya Lyubushkin to leave the game with what is now confirmed to be a head injury. The dangerous nature of the play sparked debate over potential punishment from the NHL.
Many believe that Matt Rempe leaving his feet on the hit warrants a suspension. This afternoon the NHL and the DoPS made their position known.

NHL Makes An Official Decision Regarding Rempe's Future After Nasty Hit

The NHL in these types of situations generally announces any punishment or meetings with the Department of Player Safety by 5 pm the day after the play happens. Today all has been quiet on the NHL and DoPS front. This has led to a confirmation that the NHL will not punish Rempe for his actions.
The clock strikes 5 PM and the DoPS is quiet - no word on supplemental discipline for Matt Rempe's hit on Ilya Lyubushkin. #NHL #PlayerSafety #LeafsForever

This means that Rempe has escaped punishment for the moment. However, with his aggressive and sometimes reckless style of play, this likely is not the last incident that will occur.
In his already young career, Rempe has made a name for himself by being a danger to others on the ice. Hopefully, the next time an incident occurs no injuries are sustained.
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