Doctor shares awful news for Auston Matthews: Out 9 months potentially

James Connelly
May 3, 2024  (1:00 PM)

Auston Matthews hunched over ahead of a play
Photo credit: Sportsnet

There have been many rumors circulating on what Toronto Maple Leafs superstar Auston Matthews could be out with as many don't buy that he simply has an illness and a doctor has shared that there is a possibility he suffered a serious injury that could sideline him till 2025.

Auston Matthews has missed games five and six in the Toronto Maple Leafs' series against the Boston Bruins and much speculation has arisen from this. The Leafs claim that it is an illness but many others believe that it could be something more serious.
A post recently pointed out a moment where Matthews could have suffered a knee injury in game four versus the Boston Bruins.
In my opinion, Auston Matthews probably tore something in his right leg on this play.

I watched his shifts after this play in game 3 and in game 4 and he looked noticeably slower and had much less jump. Tons of torque on the front and inside of the right knee, MCL/LCL tear?

In the replies to the post, Dr. Jesse Morse, a Sports & Family Medicine Physician who has featured on ESPN, shared that Matthews could have suffered an incredibly serious injury.
Looks like the MCL was stressed.

The medial meniscus is attached to the deep fibers of the MCL so technically both could be injured.

If both are compromised sometimes the ACL can get injured too.

They're calling out with an ‘illness' for game 5 & 6 which is strange to me, so there may be more to this knee injury.

ACL injuries are some of the worst for any professional athlete with tears taking 6-9 months to recover from.
The public story is still that Matthews is out with an illness but the possibility of an ACL injury looms large.
Source - House of Hockey
Doctor shares that Matthews could be out for 6+ months
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Doctor shares awful news for Auston Matthews: Out 9 months potentially

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