Report: Marc Bergevin and Geoff Molson did not speak during team photo

T. Tadi
October 20, 2021  (12:12)

Many spectators reported feeling uneasy earlier this week as the players and management posed for their yearly team photo.

Bergevin, according to Marc de Foy's latest editorial in the Journal de Montréal, did not communicate with anyone, including his employer Geoff Molson, and just changed his clothing to isolate himself in the Bell Centre's spires.

"Geoff Molson, seen and heard from publicly for the first time in a long time before the home opener on Saturday, and Marc Bergevin were in the front row as usual. The general manager was only there in body, however. Our photographer Chantal Poirier didn't see him interact with anyone the entire time she was shooting the scene with her camera. After the photo shoot, Bergevin went to change out of his suit and into casual clothes. He then moved to the back row of the dressing rooms to watch the practice. He was joined at one point by Paul Wilson, vice-president of public affairs and communications. But Bergevin spent more time watching the practice and checking messages on his phone."
- Marc de Foy

An atmosphere like that can only be terrible for everyone. That's hard to imagine it doesn't affect the other players who, as we've seen, appear close to their GM who gets emotional when talking about them.

We'll this basically confirms that Bergevin is gone. Maybe that's what the Canadiens really need.