Flabbergasted announcers could only react, imploring him to try and take third, because obviously he was «invisible.» Now look, this is definitely some brilliance on behalf of Baez, but make no mistake: This is also one of the most embarrassing defensive plays in MLB history courtesy of the Pirates. It's like the entire team forgot the most rudimentary rules of baseball, instead flailing around the field like the Keystone Cops in a vaudeville movie.
It's the kind of play that can't even be forgiven in little league, let alone the bigs � and that's what makes this all so great. It's so refreshing to see millionaire athletes screw up so badly they look human. Not to mention that baseball is at its best when it marries incredible player skill, with utterly ludicrous screw ups, and that might make this one of the best plays I have ever seen in my life.