A young talented player named Kid Andersson was attacked by a player on the other team after Andersson squirted a player on the opposing team with water.
The player that wasn't named did a two-handed slash to the face of Andersson causing serious injuries, not to mention trauma from the attack.
Andersson suffered a broken jaw and has some crazy lacerations to his face and mouth that's going to need some serious repairs and stitches. The incident has been reported to the police and without a doubt charges should he laid.
Andersson, who can't eat nor hardly speak without pain, had this to say after the attack,
"Everything happened so fast that I didn't have time to react. I didn't even know what had happened, I just saw that there was blood everywhere. Then I threw up and didn't feel well at all. I didn't know where to go," Andersson said.
That unnamed player has been suspended indefinitely. The league announced there's no need for this in hockey as it brings our sport down. Hopefully this unnamed player will be charged and tossed out of the hockey league permanently after such a despicable attack.
Credit: Lets go Leafs